Atmosphäre (at) techn. Atmosphäre (atm) phys. Bar Barad Barye cm Hg-Säule (0°C) cm H2O-Säule (4°C) Dyn / cm2 Foot of water (4°C) Gigapascal Hektopascal Inch (Zoll) mercury (0°C) Inch of Hg (16°C) Inch of water (16°C) Inch of water (4°C) kp / cm2 kp / dm2 kp / m2 kp / mm2 Kilopascal = kN / m2 Kilopounds per square inch Megapascal = MN / m2 m H2O (16°C) m H2O (4°C) Mikrobar (µbar) Micron of mercury (Millitorr) Millibar mm Hg (0°C) mm H2O (16°C) mm H2O (4°C) Millitorr Newton/m2 = Pascal Ounce (avdp) / square inch Pascal = N / m2 Pounds per square foot psi = pounds per square inch Poundal per square foot Poundal per square inch Standard-Atmosphäre atm Ton (long) per square foot Ton (long) per square inch Tonne / cm2 Ton (short) per square foot Ton (short) per square inch Ton per square inch Torr